Best sportsperson | Arjun Gupta
I am Arjun Gupta. Professionally, I am a sportsperson and of late I am on an odyssey to building the brand Kragbuzz and taking it to greater summits for my immense admiration and passion for sports. I believe in exploring the unexplored and hence, I delve unplumbed into the nitty-gritty of the workflow and try to explicate from the foundation. I’m supremely grateful to my parents, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law for their everlasting trust on me that enabled me to freely express myself and follow my passion. Additionally, I am thankful and blessed to have friends around me who have always backed me. As a believer of destiny and God almighty, I do feel grateful for giving me such a beautiful life, Kragbuzz sportswear, Sports and Fitness management.
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